
mobileIn order to get your site mobile friendly I recommend too quick answers. Neither will probably make you too happy if you do not have a mobile friendly site.

[badge color=”#ffffff” bgcolor=”#1e73be” value=”Re-Design Your SiteĀ  Into a Responsive Theme”]
A responsive theme means that your site will contract and expand with the screen size. Elements float down into an orderly fashion as the site contracts. This is the best bet for you although more expensive than the next solution.

[badge color=”#ffffff” bgcolor=”#1e73be” value=”Create a Redirect Site”]
For this solution I recommend Duda Mobile. They will scrape your site and then “try” and put it together in a mobile friendly way. It never works perfect though. And design time via their site editor can cause you to pull your hair out.. It is significantly cheaper. Although, somebody will spend time there. Another negative is that it does not work with e-commerce stores.

The other compromise is to use Word Press Touch plugin. This of course requires you to have Word Press.